Summer Radio Silence

So yeah I tend to forget to keep the site updated with the latest goings on, so I figured I’d post up a quick update with real-life things. Many of my projects have been put on hold for summer fun, although it’s been so hot out that I haven’t really done much anyway. Here in Eastern PA it’s been in the 80-90 degree range for nearly 3+ weeks now, and we’ve barely seen any rain in the last 5+ weeks. I don’t think we’re alone; I watch some social media even from places like London who seem to be in the same boat. Yet some states down south seem to be dealing with a lot of flooding; go figure. I haven’t cut the grass in over the month, although recently we got enough rain to make it grow a little (in patches) so I guess I have to bust out the mower at some point.

I was going to say I haven’t done much, but I can’t really say that; since my last post, I’ve camped 3 times, attended Field Day with the Phil-Mont Radio Club (where I also brought a Teletype Model 32 back to life and got it on the air), had some out of town friends come for a visit, did up my front yard for the Shapiro Superhero Run, entertained a friend’s kid for a week, picked up some more nerdy bits and #Teletype junk, and got to go to the Telephone Collectors show as well as a couple hamfests.

Lately though things have calmed down to a crawl, which I’m not too fond of sometimes lol. Again it’s been too hot to get anything done outside to the cars or even ride the motorcycle, so I’ve mainly been messing around or driving around in the AC instead. Part of me is looking forward to the fall, but part of me doesn’t wanna give the summer up either.

Anyhow…I’ll try to backfill some of the events and highlight a few things, so look for some more posts in the near future.

Links Page Updated – and cool site to share (Vladstudio)

Go figure, I pull the links page down since it was empty anyway, only to randomly start filling it in, then putting it up again. I wish I knew why my brain works like that sometimes, but I’ll take what I can get LOL.

Anyway, I figured I’d mention a special link – Vlad Studio –

If you’re looking for some interesting and unique wallpapers for your computer, look no further than Vladstudio. I’ve actually had this bookmarked for probably the better part of a decade, maybe 2, not sure, but honestly haven’t checked it out in some time. While he does charge (minimally) for access to his premium content, the price is very reasonable and worth every penny. I bought an access code some time ago, and will definitely be downloading some new wallpapers to use – as someone who tinkers, the Woodworking one is particularly appealing, even though I’m pretty terrible at actual woodworking.


A Letter To Cleo

Shows my cat cleo from March 2021

When I moved out of my parents house, my cat Cleo, on request of…the rest of the household, remained at home. While I wasn’t too happy with that idea at the time, I did realize that she was used to the property and had a large yard to explore, so I begrudgingly agreed and Cleo stayed behind. I had adopted Cleo from a coworker in 2005 as a stray kitten. While not being the most personable cat sometimes, Cleo spent many a night with me curled up between the keyboard and my monitor, or parked in my lap while I messed with computers into the late evenings. She enjoyed playing fetch with pistachios of all things, and wrestling with me.

She got her name from Cleo (aka Cleopatra), the cat in the Heathcliff cartoon series. Since this was the first female cat we’ve ever had, and for some reason, despite not having seen that series for a decade or more, that was the first thing that came to mind for “female cat”.

Continue reading “A Letter To Cleo”

One Year Ago Today: 2020 Philadelphia Auto Show “Black Tie Tailgate”

Shows 2020 Philadelphia Auto Show
2020 Philadelphia Auto Show Black Tie Gala

Hard to believe it was a year ago. It feels like 10 years ago, and on top of that, a bit ironic; for someone that nearly never wore a suit outside of a Wedding or Funeral, to actually wear a suit out to an event. Perhaps it really was a funeral…for events?

Continue reading “One Year Ago Today: 2020 Philadelphia Auto Show “Black Tie Tailgate””

Slacking in 2021; a new post and home automation fun

Well, 2020 came and went, and uhh, well, good riddance!

I’ve been slacking over the last few weeks, mostly working and haven’t really messed too much with projects or hobby stuff recently. Personally, I’ve been struggling in the motivation department; I guess seasonal depression on top of the pandemic and everything else isn’t doing me or anyone any favors lately. On a positive note, I *have* done a few things though…

Continue reading “Slacking in 2021; a new post and home automation fun”

Still here…hunkered down!

Just figured I’d post up a quick update – I am OK and hunkered down. This is beginning week #3 (I think) of being cooped up in the house. Definitely feeling a little cabin fever now, and last week I lost track of what days were what lol!

I have been getting out; in fact I think I’ve seen more of my neighbors and neighborhood (from a safe distance) more in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past 9 years I’ve lived here. I went from driving 60+ miles a day, to using my car maybe twice a week, if that. I have gotten out on the motorcycle, which has been nice to ride around, but the weather has not cooperated much lately. Its been great to walk around the neighborhood during my lunch hour.

In addition, I’ve been on more video calls in the past 2 weeks than I ever have, probably over my entire lifetime. Its interesting how people who were covering up their cameras 3 weeks ago are now defaulting to them being on.

As someone who almost purposely lives under a rock to a degree, I’ve more or less stayed off the news. It’s all sensationalized; and what little I learn via Twitter or via work has been enough to keep me informed.

I’ve mostly been keeping busy with projects, and hope to get some new posts up soon with recent updates. I even got a new piece of Franklin Institute ephemera to post up.

Last but not least – one thing I do know; once this blows over, I plan to hit up as many of those little niche museums as I can. I’ll make a seperate post to call out a few that are within a reasonable distance from the Philly area, but I hope to support them as much as I can!