Lenovo BIOS Simulator and Config Tool

Well here’s a nifty tool I didn’t know existed! If you happen to manage Lenovo devices, such as Thinkpads, Ideapads, etc and would like to have a preview of what the BIOS screens look like, perhaps prior to getting new models, or perhaps walking someone through changing a setting over the phone, then this is for you!

Lenovo actually has a BIOS simulator on their web site that allows you to run through the BIOS settings based on the “machine type”, which is usually the first 4 characters of the model number. That said the tool lets you search by traditional model number as well, like T450.

One interesting thing I found through the tool, was that for newer models that have a graphical BIOS screen (which stinks for buzzing through with the keyboard), there’s actually an option of switching to text mode. The tool even seems to work on mobile phones.

Anyway, figured I’d share it here, so enjoy: https://download.lenovo.com/bsco/index.html

Lenovo Bios Config Tool

I should also note that if you ARE managing a fleet of Lenovo devices, you may also want to check out the BIOS Configuration tool, which has both a graphical as well as command-line interface: https://www.lenovo.com/ww/en/solutions/software/think-bios-config-tool