Still Around!

Yeah, my initial run of posts has slowed a bit while life gets in the way. Here in the Philly area the weather got nice pretty quickly, and as such, the grass started grow pretty quickly as well. Since nearly all of my yard equipment was down and out from last year, I had to both cut the grass with only my pushmower (not impossible but not fun), while my 32 year old tractor needed a new deck bearing and a new battery. The tractor is back on it’s feet and a week later the grass is already due for cut #2. Geez!

The front half is just as big…woof! Did I mention the drive wheels stopped working?

On top of all that, I woke up one morning to the sound of my cell phone going off non-stop. It turned out my Insteon leak sensor was picking up water near my hot water heater. I jumped out of bed and feared the worst, but thankfully found only a puddle under the heater. Without that leak sensor, I would have never known and left for work that day! So score one for home automation, and I now know how to solder (sweat) copper pipe and can say I finally delved into plumbing as I replaced the heater as well as several failing valves with all new ball valves while the water was off.

Next up will be cleaning up the kayaks and putting the racks on the car, after the car gets a much-needed bath as well!